Open Source DB/C Software

Download DB/C DX, DB/C FS and DB/C Utilities

All executables are for 64 bit AMD/Intel operating systems. Documentation is included. Click a button to download the zip file. Unzip the file into an empty directory, and then review the ReadMe.txt file.

DB/C DX for Linux
DB/C FS for Linux
Utilities for Linux
DB/C DX for Windows
DB/C FS for Windows
Utilities for Windows

Previous versions are available for download here.


Community support is available at the Open Source DB/C Community Forum.

For paid support options, send an email to with a description of what kind of support your are looking for.

History and Overview

DB/C was developed by Subject, Wills & Company in the early 1980s. It was an implementation of the DATABUS programming language that was invented by Datapoint Corporation to run on Datapoint computers. The purpose of DB/C was to allow programs developed in DATABUS to run on the DOS operating system of the brand new IBM PC, and soon thereafter on Compaq computers with MS-DOS. Then came support for running DB/C programs on UNIX, AIX, VMS, OS/2, Macintosh and other operating systems.

In 1999, the DB/C software product was renamed DB/C DX. The programming language name remained DB/C. The release of the DB/C FS software product a few years prior was a reason for the name change to DB/C DX. DB/C FS allows for access to files of DB/C programs via ODBC and JDBC interfaces of SQL, and directly from other programming languages by using APIs for accessing DB/C ISAM, AIM, RANDOM and SEQUENTIAL files that are native in the DB/C DX runtime environment.

In 2001, DB/C Software Company was split off from Subject, Wills & Company as a standalone corporation dedicated to the DB/C DX and DB/C FS software products. Several years later, DB/C Software Company was renamed Portable Software Company which continued to enhance and support DB/C DX and DB/C FS.

DB/C DX and DB/C FS were licensed on a per user basis until January 2023 when they became open source software.

Source Code at GitHub

The source programs are available at GitHub at

License Information

The software and other files downloaded from this web site are distributed under this license:

Copyright © 2023 Portable Software Company

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

DB/C, DB/C DX and DB/C FS are trademarks of Portable Software Company.